Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sexuality/ Eroticism

Image result for the word sexuality          Here in America and for that matter most parts of the world woman are expected to conceal their sexuality; and if they do they are labeled names like "whore", "slut", and so many other nasty names. But on the opposite end; its not surprising to see a man be promiscuous. So my question is what is the differences in the sexes truly? Why is it fair for one to express their sexuality how they like and the other, it then becomes uncouth. The answer is centuries and and centuries of societal influence.
          Now onto eroticism. With the movie 50 Shades of Grey coming out there has been a lot of back lash for the extremist saying that this is the devils kind of sex. If you look on youtube with the trailer of the movie you will find a long list of comment from various religious persons that swear up and down that this is an unhealthy relationship and that this relationship should not be a role model for anyone. The fact is it really isn't. It's and escape. A romance novel with whips. Its something for people to escape they own daily problems  no one is basing their own relationships on this one and if you all of the sudden are changing your life style to accommodate this one you have other problems but that is a very very small percent of the readers and watchers of the story. So theres that. And as for those people that didn't know that there was this type of sexual activity; wow, way to be sheltered. 
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