Wednesday, April 8, 2015


          I am so sick of the constant sexism that I am being surrounded by every day. Its horrifically disgusting to hear people say that "men and women are psychologically different. Its been proven." And yeah when you hear it like that you stop and think; 'wait can it be true are the sexes mentally different?' and the answer is yes there are differences but when looking at it, it doesn't work out in the male genders favor. Once I heard this little thrown out fact, trying to prove that women are weaker mentally than men, I was like a dog with a bone and decided to do a little research. 
          Here is what I found.

Psychology Today

 1)Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Web MD

2)and while you are at it this too.

          And while I could give you more sources that women are just as strong and even slightly stronger than the male brain I do believe that those two sources prove my point just enough. So the next you, any one who reads this decides to make a slur about the opposite sex, do your research and know what you are talking about. An if you really want to check out how strong women really are and how they face adverse situations and still stand tall and all of the thing that women have to go through in countries other than ours, then read  Sex and World Peace  
Feel Free to Comment :P


  1. Interesting articles - thanks for sharing. Might explain why so many boys have a hard time getting focused in class. Once they're focused though, they can stick with it.
