Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Old Friends

Old Friends ( Imitation of  Oh, Oh by William Hathaway)

Months of feeling the darkness,
the sinking black hole that won’t let go
I woke up today to the perfect rainy day.
Today I knew I would finally be fine;
I sat outside on the hammock, waiting
I lay there feeling the onslaught of water on my face.
breathing in the cleansing air,
inhaling the scent of the earth beginning new,
dawning new life.
I lay there patiently longing for him.
I enjoy the time I have to myself for the time being,
and then there opposite the yard I glimpse
he, who has been the center of all of my fantasies.
The black hooded figure makes his way towards me,
hand outstretched, I do the same.
He will take me from the pain. He will save me.
Finally answering my cry; Death has arrived.

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