Today I received my graduation announcements for MHS and they are all pretty and stuff. Yeah how do you like that language. Sorry I really don't know what to talk about this week and this was the first thing to come to mind.
I guess another thing that comes to mind is that it is very difficult finishing up this year when the people around me induce migraines and then make them worse. I understand that this is a condition that I have to deal with but it is also unnecessary for my peers to scream immaturely ALL THE TIME. I am all for having a fun time but you don't have to screech and scream and yell when you are in the middle of class, especially when I and other people are forced to be with you for 2 hours. So just be considerate of the people around you please.
I just want to get through the next 2 months and graduate and in order to do that I need to be here at PCR even when I have migraines and that is very difficult. Its difficult concentrating, and articulating, and not grabbing the next person who talks above a normal Shyann-migraine-day-approved level and smashing their head against the wall a few dozen time so they know the pain that I am feeling at the exact moment. So all I ask is some consideration especially since the migraine I have had this week I have had for 3 days and I can't get it to got away not with my Relpax or my Sumatriptan injections, nothing. So please help me get my education while you are getting yours as well.
Feel Free to Comment:P
I understand how you feel about seems to take forever to get here! lol