It seems that in modern day 2000's being a feminist, following in the foot steps of great feminists before us like Gloria Steinem and Eleanor Roosevelt, automatically makes you this lesser person and that you should be ashamed of this aspect of this part of your life and your view points.
I am proud to be a feminist. I am a person who can take being called a femi-nazi. But I am writing this for those who think about not wearing there's like a badge of honor and instead hide it away and don't speak up, for fear of being hated and shunned. Isn't it a part of being human that we are allowed to have different viewpoints? So why does have this particular viewpoint make you a source of public ridicule? In my opinion there is no excuse for it.
There are also people out there that will accuse you of being a femi-nazi for any thing feminist related what-so-ever. For example if I were to say that I don't think that a woman's place is specifically in the kitchen I have actually been called a femi-nazi for saying that. I wouldn't call myself a feminist extremist I just believe that women should have the choice. What I mean by that is that women should have the choice to either choose to seek a career and be equal in every way to anyone else in their same field without special treatments; or have the choice to stay at home to take care of their family but at their own will with no other influences. That is what I believe in and what I will stand up for. So, yes, I will get offended when someone, male or female says that a woman's place is in the "kitchen", because it is only that specific persons choice as to what they want to do. Same with it is a mans choice as to whether or not he wants to stay at home to take care of his family while his partner has a career; I will fight for that as well.
There are also those who think that all feminist hate men and that is so wrong that it is almost funny. All I ask is that you look at a different point of view and separate all of you misconceptions about what the mass majority of feminist are really like in this world.
So call me what you like, think of me what you like, I am still going to stand up what I believe is right.
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