Friday, February 27, 2015


          It seems that in modern day 2000's being a feminist, following in the foot steps of great feminists before us like Gloria Steinem and Eleanor Roosevelt, automatically makes you this lesser person and that you should be ashamed of this aspect of this part of your life and your view points.
         I am proud to be a feminist. I am a person who can take being called a femi-nazi. But I am writing this for those who think about not wearing there's like a badge of honor and instead hide it away and don't speak up, for fear of being hated and shunned.  Isn't it a part of being human that we are allowed to have different viewpoints? So why does have this particular viewpoint make you a source of public ridicule? In my opinion there is no excuse for it.
          There are also people out there that will accuse you of being a femi-nazi for any thing feminist related what-so-ever. For example if I were to say that I don't think that a woman's place is specifically in the kitchen I have actually been called a femi-nazi for saying that. I wouldn't call myself a feminist extremist I just believe that women should have the choice. What I mean by that is that women should have the choice to either choose to seek a career and be equal in every way to anyone else in their same field without special treatments; or have the choice to stay at home to take care of their family but at their own will with no other influences. That is what I believe in and what I will stand up for. So, yes, I will get offended when someone, male or female says that a woman's place is in the "kitchen", because it is only that specific persons choice as to what they want to do. Same with it is a mans choice as to whether or not he wants to stay at home to take care of his family while his partner has a career; I will fight for that as well.
        There are also those who think that all feminist hate men and that is so wrong that it is almost funny. All I ask is that you look at a different point of view and separate all of you misconceptions about what the mass majority of feminist are really like in this world.
          So call me what you like, think of me what you like, I am still going to stand up what I believe is right. 
Feel Free to Comment:P

Thursday, February 19, 2015


          The first thing that you need to know is that I live in a small University town and there are A LOT of cyclists and a majority of them are college students. Now at the beginning of this rant I need to clarify that I view this form of transportation as very effective, and environmentally friendly; BUT it needs to be done right or not at all.
          Here in Idaho bicycles when on the road are considered cars with slight rule changes. This means that at stop lights they treat them like stop signs, stop signs they treat like yield signs, and you ride with traffic NOT against it, and not on the side walk. This also means you are not a pedestrian if you insist on being on don't expect cars to stop for you because they legally don't have to like they do pedestrians; and if you are crossing a crosswalk, walk your bike across don't ride. 
           Just be smart about it pick up your local divers law book at the DMV and see what your state views cyclists as. And for heavens sake don't jump out in front of cars for any reason. It is your responsibility and theirs to watch our for your bike but mostly yours because you are hard to see and easily squishable. So even if you think you can make it in time before the car reaches you and they will step on the breaks even if you don't, don't assume, play it safe, be sane, and wait; that person in that car could be wrongly distracted.
Be Safe and Feel Free to Comment :P 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Gettin' a Little Personal

          This past year and half to two years I have been working my way through clinical depression. And to say this now I have been actually diagnosed by a doctor and a psychologist. Although when I was first diagnosed I was hesitant to actually believe that I was really depressed. It wasn't until I started to seriously consider killing myself that I took a look at myself and decided that this is real.
          Although it has unfortunately been my experience these several months that the general population likes to diagnose themselves and then don't want to get the help that they supposedly are suffering from. And that is exactly what you need to do if you are depressed is see a doctor and find a psychologist, no matter if you find it hokie to talk to someone about your feelings, it is not just about that. They help you find coping techniques for your condition and help you truly understand what you are going through.
crying eye
          Now to get onto what I am truly upset about; I have had several experiences with a member of my family, while staying at our house as a guest, they started spouting off about how selfish people who are depressed and that those who commit suicide are the most selfish. Now they were totally entitled to this opinion, but you also need to know that you can't just freely yell out controversial opinions like this without knowing your audience and without having any first-hand knowledge of how this mental illness affects the mind. 
          If you don't have any knowledge, this is what you need to know. The way depression affects you in an emotional way, common symptoms that I experience where withdrawing from all of the people I loved and that were wanting to help me. My reason for doing this was because when I was around them it was too hard and exhausting to pretend to be normal. Another common symptom is what they call being "flat" this is when you shut off your emotions and don't feel anything. There are so many more symptoms and different way that it presents itself in every person. The reason that it is so important to know that when you are depressed you aren't just "sad"; it feels like you are downing in this black void but you are still alive and fighting even if it appears that you aren't doing anything because every minute of every day you are fighting the pain, what ever your pain comes from, you are fighting it. All of these things are important to know when you look at someone who is fighting against this illness it may appear that they are just sitting there doing nothing but they are in a pain that is so hard to describe.  So please the next time that you think about saying "wow I got an C on my history exam, I am so depressed" think twice and if you are one of those people that are like the family member that I mentioned  earlier that has the view point that when someone commits suicide that they are doing it for attention, or they they were being selfish, I ask you to consider that you don't know what that person went through in their lifetime and you shouldn't pass judgement without knowing personally what it feels like to feel their pain. 
Feel Free to Comment.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Really?! Ruin Your Own Car Not Mine

           Is it just me or do i have ride my bumper stamped across my car?? It seems that lately that attract every single tailgater in my community. To add to my unseemly bad luck I have to also be the one that has to drive a really windy road that the average speed is 65; so when people are following you at a distance that would be appropriate for going 25 you can understand hopefully when I get edgy and a little bit angry. 

          I didn't seem to notice these rude drivers until last august when one of these tailgaters rear-ended me on the very highway I was just speaking of when he looked how to "change his radio station" (likely story) and didn't see me turn on my blinker well before hand... SMACK! At least his car came out worse than mine did. But the trade off was I had to go through several months of physical therapy for my back, sooo yeah that made me super happy, and now whenever I come up to the same turn and there is a car behind me I massively anxious.

          So moral of the story everyone don't be a jerk and back off. you won't get there any sooner by riding my bumper; all you are going to do is give me an anxiety attack. and possibly cause and accident so just keep a respectable distance between you and the car in front of you and wait for the proper opportunity to get around them if you are in a rush. Be safe, be sane, back off.
Feel Free to Comment :P 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Villain that Loves his Hero

           When people usually look at the Joker and Batman they see black and white, villain and hero. Although if you truly look at the relationship that the Joker has formed with the Dark Knight you will see that he never truly put forth the effort to kill him. If you look to see the man with the smile with kill everyone that Batman loves and cares for but will never harm him, or let harm come to him.
          I came across this really great piece of art that had the Joker and Batman together and the Joker said "You can't kill me without becoming me! I can't kill you without losing the only human being who can keep up with me!".
Image result for the joker and batman drawings          For all of these reasons the Joker is my favorite villain of all time. The way way I see it, the Joker sees himself as insane and he will be open in admitting it. And it seems to be that one of his favorite past times is to point out the flaws in society; and to be perfectly honest I have to agree with what he has been saying all along though. When people are at the end or at the worst times their true colors will show "so you can say I know your friends better than you ever did."-Joker. What amazes me is how much his view touch me and how much I agree with them for the most part he is honest. So hey call me crazy I can just go move in with Smiley and Quinn.
         Speaking of the Jokers mistress, Harley Quinn my second favorite of all the villains just so happens to be the jokers... well lets just call her his girlfriend. Now ever since I have come to love the two I have read many rants on how the Joker and Harley have an abusive relationship and in all fairness they do. BUT, you have to realize in the same instance that they are both clinically insane, serial murderers with rage issues how are you supposed to have a healthy relationship with that?! I mean come on!! They are EVIL! I am going to state this for all of the people who haven't put two and two together I am one of those people who are into the Joker and Harley Quinn romance. 
 Feel free to comment :P